10 things they didn’t teach you in August term… that you really need to know

Bonus tip: The sand may have questionable remains in it...

Bonus tip: The sand may have questionable remains in it…

1. Pre-med and pre-law aren’t actually majors.
2. If you see someone coming, you hold the door open… or else.
3. Upperclassmen don’t bite… usually.
4. It’s The ‘80, not Sandella’s.
5. Sleepy is not a state; it’s a lifestyle.
6. Lanyards around the neck are not
fashion statements. This is not GSP.
7. You are allowed to eat with more than four people at the same time in the caf (if you eat there).
8. Some semesters you will have to get up before 8:00 a.m.
9. Pajama bottoms and leggings are not class appropriate attire.
10. If you get hit crossing Broadway tuition will not be covered, and The Rambler will write a story about it.

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